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Management (MS) | Human Resources Management Concentration

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Business Graduate (Semester Credit) Master of Science


College of Business and Criminal Justice

Program CIP Code


The Master of Science in Management degree is designed to prepare students for management and leadership roles in many industries. The program is focused on providing knowledge and skills to apply the principles and concepts related to management, leadership, and operations of complex organizations. Students can earn their Master’s degree in 16 months through a year-round schedule.

The program is designed for business management majors, and other equivalent degree holders, who desire to develop the skills for complex management and leadership through critical thinking. The degree provides students with theoretical, practical, and applied skills in leadership, business systems analysis, advanced human resources management/development, and related supporting management systems technologies.

The Human Resources Management concentration focuses on managing an organization’s most valuable resource: its people.  This concentration focuses on compliance and the regulatory environment from a legal perspective, the strategic partnerships and goals that serve to motivate and incentivize a contemporary workforce, and the digital tools and systems used to manage human capital. 

About the Master of Science in Management

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, careers in management currently offer the highest wages of all major occupation groups ( Managers and leaders play key roles in many industries: for example energy, telecommunications, construction, manufacturing, transportation and distribution, information technology, financial services, banking, automotive, retail, healthcare, airlines and aerospace, pharmaceuticals, case management, public safety, criminal justice, and homeland security.

Recommended Certifications

Certifications are not required for completion of this program; however, ECPI encourages students to obtain all appropriate certifications to increase potential job opportunities. ECPI University provides vouchers allowing students to take certification exams at a greatly reduced cost.