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Student Conduct Policies

Student Conduct Policies

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ECPI University encourages professionalism and responsible conduct among students to foster a positive learning environment. To address any issues, the university follows a progressive discipline approach, which typically includes a verbal warning, a written warning, and, if necessary, dismissal. However, based on the specific circumstances—such as the student's overall history, the severity of the behavior, safety concerns, and the details of the incident—ECPI University reserves the right to modify or bypass the progressive discipline process. Disciplinary action may be taken against a student for the following behaviors, as well as for other actions not specifically listed here:

  • Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on quizzes, tests, papers, hands-on homework documentation, or other assignments; or plagiarism. See the Honor Code and Plagiarism Policy.

  • Fraudulent activities including but not limited to willful misrepresentation by a student concerning qualification for admission, continuing eligibility as a student, eligibility for financial aid, current enrollment information, status, or position at ECPI.

  • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of school documents, records, or identification. See the Communications and Computing Policies.

  • The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit or prescription drugs on campus. See Drug-Free Workplace and Campus.

  • Possession, use, intoxication, or being under the influence of alcohol while on campus. See Drug-Free Workplace and Campus.

  • Possession of firearms or other weapons on campus. See Campus Security.

  • Gambling on campus.

  • Any act or threat of physical assault or intimidation directed toward any member of the school community or any other individual on campus. See Non-Discrimination Policy and Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

  • Sexual harassment or hazing as described in the Non-Discrimination Policy and Anti-Hazing Policy.

  • Theft or attempted theft of ECPI property, or any theft on campus.

  • The defacing or destruction of ECPI property.

  • Use of indecent, illegal, disruptive language and/or actions.

  • Insubordination in carrying out instructions of faculty or staff.

  • Any refusal to abide with or violation of federal, state, or local regulations.

  • Smoking in unauthorized areas. See Smoking on Campus.

  • Continued violation of the ECPI dress code. See Dress and Appearance.

  • Furnishing false information to/for or against any student, faculty member, or ECPI employee.

· Students are expected to use personal devices (cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc.) responsibly. See Personal Portable Electronic Devices.

·  The practice of hazing at ECPI to any degree or any form, is strictly prohibited. See Anti-Hazing Policy.

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